Dear Christian, Wake up! Arise from your slumber! You once went to church. You once read your bible. You once prayed. You once fellowshipped with other Christians. You once taught others about Jesus. But then what? You got busy. You got sick. You became indifferent. You moved. You changed jobs. You got divorced. You got hurt feelings. You moved away from your first love.
Dear Christian, in today’s culture that is searching for truth, calling opinion truth, unfollowing for reasons known only to them, let us be the light in a dark world. Let us get off the fencepost of neutrality and take a stand for God. Come back to church! Go to your prayer closet! Join a bible study! Go vote in this election for righteousness!
Dear Christian, “Don’t be a Reuben who searched his heart but did not move. Be a Jael and take your stand for God. Sing like Deborah and Barak who stepped out in faith and knew the Lord was with them, gave them the victory. Awake to your responsibility and do what you can, where you can, under God’s direction.”*
Dear Christian, Don’t be a Reuben! Be a Jael! Be a Deborah!
If this blog has sparked your interest, read Judges 4 & 5. Get to know Deborah, Barak, Jael and the tribe of Reuben.
- “Choosing Victory, Overcoming Defeat” by Kay Arthur. Harvest House Publishers. Eugene, Oregon.