
Isaiah 41:13 “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, “Fear not, I will help you.”

Have you ever had a date marked on your calendar, circled in red, perhaps? You have a procedure scheduled. You have planned it in advance. Occasionally, you glance at the date, in your head, counting down. You are a bit anxious, a new procedure gives you pause. The unknown. Now the day is here. Early to rise. Check in before dawn. You have been praying- for strength, for courage, for a good result. You know God is with you. Now, as you lay on the bed, the nurses and technicians readying you, the nurse calms you and says, “We pray for all the people we treat every morning.” You pause, say thank you. Then you let her know you have been praying for her, as well. She asks what music you would like played. Naturally, you say Mercy Me. “I Can Only Imagine” plays softly. You smile, thanking God for His overwhelming presence in this room. You are in His hands, praising and worshipping Him as the time comes for the anesthesia to take over.

Max Lucado: “We cannot go where God is not. Look over your shoulder; that’s God following you. Look into the storm; that’s Christ coming toward you.

In the big moments, in our day to day routines, God is with us. Let us take the time to thank Him, to praise Him, to seek Him. He wants us to return to Him, to follow His ways. As dates on our calendars approach, as fear and anxiety creep in and take hold, let us place our faith in Him, in His strength, in His love. As He comes along side you, feel His peace wash over you. Be at rest in the God who is the great I AM.