Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings name them one by one.
Count your many blessings see what God has done.

Feeling blue? Where are your thoughts leading you to? I know decorating for Christmas is supposed to make us feel happy, joyful. But what if I said it makes me feel melancholy. Thoughts of Christmas past flood my mind. The house bursting with noise, laughter, excitement. I get so overhwhelmed with these memories I can hardly breathe.

Our house is quiet now. It is just two of us, decorating, remembering. We talk, reminisce about the homemade ornaments, the Christmas of red. We smile. We laugh. The joy is returning. I am thankful and blessed to have these wonderful memories. Praising God for all His provisions and blessings. Even when Christmas has a new look, it is the same: celebrating the birth of our Savior, Immanuel: God with us.