As I was reading a devotional this morning, I came across an excerpt of a poem by Elizabeth Elliot.
“Do it immediately; do it with prayer; Do it reliantly, casting all care; Do it with reverence, tracing His Hand Who placed it before thee with earnest command. Stayed on Omnipotence, safe ‘neath His wing, Leave all resultings. DO THE NEXT THING“
The last phrase of the poem, “Do the Next Thing,” is what the devotion was about. I thought, this would have been good advice when I had young sons, a full time job, a husband, household chores, etc… I am a procrastinator at heart so things could pile up on me quickly.
As I re-read the poem, I thought this would be good advice to share with young moms but does it really apply to me? It’s just my husband and myself now, our dogs, a small house, his pastoring of a small church. I have time. I can schedule out appointments, ministry, etc…
But, as always, God’s timing is perfect. Today, I knew I wanted to workout, shop and get ready for a visit with a dear sister in Christ. Workout done. Shopping done. Pull out everything for the lunch I had planned, looked at the clock, glanced at myself still in workout clothes and started repeating, “Do the next thing.” I methodically and purposefully moved from one job to the next: make the coleslaw, chop the veggies, brown the meat, hull and cut up the strawberries, clean up the mess, set the table, shower and dress, shoo the dogs outside. Whew! Do the next thing. As I set everything out, in pulled my friend. Do the next thing. No worries. No panic. A fabulous visit. A new mantra, with God in control, brought peace to my mind and calm in the home.