Studying the book of Habakkuk this summer. This little known book in the Old Testament has enlightened my eyes to the world of today. The similarities are striking. A nation moving away from God. In peril. Knowing judgement is coming. Seeking God. At peace with God. He is holy. He is just. He is truth. He is faithful.
A nation living for self. Promoting wisdom and security based on extortion, exploitation, debauchery, ruthlessness, idolatry. In Habakkuk’s day. See any similarities today?
Praise God we had watchmen like Habakkuk who were watching, waiting, and listening for God and speaking God’s truth to a people in need.
Thankful for pastors today who are reading, studying and speaking God’s truth today to a people in need.
Are you living in fear? anxious? lonely? depressed? Confused at the path this nation is taking? At your wits end? Come to Jesus. Pour out your heart. Come to church. Listen to God’s word preached. Study your bible. Learn about God.
All is not hopeless. As a child of God, we can declare, “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” Habakkuk 3:18
I love Habakkuk. great study. the verse before 3:18 says, even though there is no food and no way to make a living. You don’t see any good in your future. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord.
Chrissi, Wonderful post. Love your writing style and evangelism.
I am engaged in a study about Gideon and noticed the same thing, about a nation who moved away from God.
I think enough people are getting tired of the nonsense and hope we see big changes in the future.