
Psalm 147:11 “the Lord delights in those who fear him,
    who put their hope in his unfailing love.”

What do you fear? Snakes, heights, swimming? Maybe you had a bad experience and now you fear it. Being barked at and chased by a German shepherd as a child gave me a fear of that type of dog. As an adult, I have met an obedient, gentle, loving German shepherd. My fear subsides around her, but a healthy respect remains. Phobias, on the other hand, are irrational fear. Climbing a ladder, being only 4 feet off the ground and fearful is irrational but you cannot convince me to climb any higher.

As Christians, the Bible tells us to fear the Lord. This “fear” is to acknowledge that He alone is worthy of our worship. He alone is holy and exalted. We look upon God with reverence and awe. When we fear the Lord, we are following His ways. We believe His word and we walk in obedience. His ways are to be trusted. God reveals Himself to those who fear Him. “Who, then, are those who fear the Lord? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose.” (Psalm 25:12).