Feels Good

“I don’t want to go to a church with a lot of rules. There are too many do’s and don’ts. I don’t like being told what to do. I want a church that makes me feel good.”

How many of us have encountered these people when we invite them to church? Or when someone says they found a church that makes them feel good. Of course, there is nothing wrong with feeling good, with fellowshipping with a group of people you are comfortable being with, who will pray for you, encourage you, challenge you.

But God, He is in the business of shepherding His flock. When we come to saving faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, coming to church and hearing His word proclaimed will and should convict us. To allow us to examine our walk, to be uncomfortable with unconfessed sin, so we can humbly come to the foot of the cross. Growing in grace, maturing in the faith, walking in obedience isn’t going to be a “feel good” journey. It is a pruning process. (Colossians 3:1-4)

The joy is in The Who- Jesus Christ. It is no longer self I seek to promote. Not my will but Yours, Lord. (2 Corinthians 5:15)The old sinful, prideful, selfish man is gone at the point of belief. A new man, a new heart is born with new desires. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

While we still fight this sinful nature as we live in these human bodies, how wonderful to know we have God’s word to teach us right living, to have the right heart attitude, to live a life pleasing to Him. (Galatians 2:20)

While God’s laws did give the nation of Israel a list of rules, the rules themselves could never save them. Faith in their Savior, Jesus Christ, is theirs and ours only Savior. Jesus came to fulfill the law and did so perfectly, becoming the sacrificial Lamb, dying, once for all. We don’t become right with God by following rules and do’s and don’ts, but by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. (John 3:16)

I invite you today to examine your heart, your motivations. Read the scriptures, pray for God’s will to be done, allow the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct your path. “Let Jesus be the Shepherd of your soul.” (John Durant)