Who doesn’t love a free ticket! To the movies. A theme park. On a plane. There is no catch. It is being offered out of kindness, a perk, a thank you.
I recently read the following quote: “From the millisecond you believed Jesus forgave you, you didn’t just get a ticket to heaven, but a whole new identity.” (Matt McMillen) I’ve heard young people say, “Yes. I want to go to heaven.” So, believe these scriptures, get baptized, and you are good to go.
Confessing your sins and believing in His atoning sacrifice is where faith begins. The redeemed Christian, however, is not content to stay here. Learning more about your Savior means reading your bible, attending church, serving others. Your life is transformed from the inside out. You are slowly putting self on a shelf and living for Christ. Your old life is just that- old, in the past, dead! You are a new creation with new desires, new attitudes, new want to’s.
Is it free? Yes! Is there a cost? Yes! Is it worth it? Absolutely!
Galatians 5:24 “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”