In vs 35 of Romans 8, Paul is asking us questions? What is our belief in God? In whom are we placing our faith? Do we believe God and His promises? Despite the troubles we have, the calamity, persecution, hunger, danger we endure, if we are destitute or threatened with death, does this all mean God no longer loves us? And what does Paul say in vs. 37… “No! Despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.”
Where are you in your walk today, Christian? If you are like me, it is not a trouble free life. We all have worries, pain, anxiety, loss, struggles. Some physical, some emotional. But when we walk in faith, when we are reminded we are HIs. When we believe that “nothing in all of creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord,” (Romans 8:39) we can find peace and comfort in the truth of His Word. Our spirit is strengthened as the Holy Spirit convicts us of these truths. Let us embrace these truths as we journey into our day, into our Christian walk.
“Perhaps our struggles aren’t a hinderance to our walk with God, but instead a point of strength. Perhaps the afflictions we experience in this life, whatever they may be, are cause for us to soldier ahead by the strength of God. Perhaps the brushes we have with anxiety aren’t a punishment or a fate of doom. Perhaps it is an opportunity to cling to the Lord, letting Him fight (and win) the battles for us.” Sarah Morrison