Hand Me Downs

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Growing up in a family of eight, with two older sisters, I would receive hand me downs to wear. Sometimes I liked them, other times they were not exactly my style. As I got older, I still received hand me downs occasionally and saw the value of receiving free clothing items.

Our faith, however, cannot be received as a hand me down. I didn’t become a Christian because my sisters had or because my parents were Christians. It wasn’t based on the church I attended. My faith was personal. It was Jesus Christ revealing to me my sinful nature and my need for a Savior.

I can pass down my love of Jesus to my children. I can share my testimony with them. I can share God’s word with them. I can pray for them. Each child, however, has to accept the free gift of salvation that Jesus offers.

Let us teach our children and pray for their souls.

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