In The Quiet

Matthew 6:6 “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. “

Where do you find quiet time? Nighttime when everyone sleeps? In the early morning before the house wakes? Maybe you find it at midday. No matter when, it is important that we do. Let us silence our phones, close the door to interruptions and find the quiet. It is here you can meet with God. To pray. To ask questions. To make confessions. To search the scriptures. To find answers.

This is your one-on-one time with God. He wants this time with us. It is here we are refreshed, renewed to face the day. Not in our own strength or power but by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Do not think yourself weak when you need to retreat to a quiet place, for it is here you will commune with God. Find food for the soul and nourishment for the spirit.