Fitness. Nutrition. Healthy Living. This doesn’t just happen. You have to get out of bed early. Change your eating habits. Keep moving forward. In my case, I am an aging athlete who loves junk food, chips mostly. Some days it is just easier to sit on the couch, binge watch tv, chips and salsa by my side. Since I’m not as young as I used to be, changes need to be made.
I am intentional with meal planning, making nutritious meals. I am focused when shopping. No chips in my grocery cart. The night before, I set my alarm so I can work out first thing. I am a great procrastinator so this works for me.
Thankfully, I don’t do this by myself. My husband enjoys eating just like me, so we work out together most days. Friends encourage me to work out (Tracy, Brooke, Jessica). My daughter-in-law is the queen of couponing so I try to look for deals when I shop.
Don’t let the naysayers hold you back. You are doing this for you. You will encourage others. People will be watching. Some days will be harder than others. Make a commitment. Be intentional.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”