Late Bloomers

2 Peter 3:18 “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”

It is past the season for the swamp magnolia’s to be blooming, yet here is one last flower. The late bloomer. The aroma. The joy it brings.

How many of us are late bloomers? A career change we finally had the courage to take. A dream we finally will pursue. A gift/talent hidden until it had time to blossom within.

As a child of God, I was raised in church, went to Sunday school, prayed. I had all the outward signs of being a Christian. It was not until I was an adult, living on my own, that God began to draw me, working on my heart, bringing people into my life that could open God’s word and share the story of Jesus. Of Redemption. Of faith in Him alone. My eyes were opened to the truth of my sin and my need for a Savior. A true heart transformation took place and I have since pursued Jesus, to live a life of faith.

The seed had been planted as a child. Along the way, in God’s timing, watering took place, roots began to sink down, the stem grew upward and finally the bloom appeared.

Are you fully rooted in God’s word, blooming where you are today? Planting seeds of faith, offering encouraging life-giving water to those in need of the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ?