As I age, I am aware of my body- what it can and cannot do. Because I want to remain active, have the energy to work, to serve, to love, to encourage, to study, to grow… I have made some adjustments to my morning routine.
I had been getting up early to workout, eating a healthy breakfast, packing healthy snacks and lunches, but as I went throughout my day, I was losing my joy. I was complaining. I was not who I wanted to be. I realized I was mentally and spiritually weary.
So… I made some adjustments to my morning routine. I added devotion and prayer time. I added thankful writings to my morning. I centered my mornings with God. The peace, the love, the calm is the adjustment I needed so as I go throughout the rest of my day, His voice is in my ear, in my heart, in my mind, on my lips. He gives me the strength for the day and beyond.