any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.”
You overslept. Plans changed. You re-group. Instead of being upset, disappointed, God opens your eyes to more of Him. Opportunities to enjoy this day “off” and just think on Him. Thankful for His provisions. Grateful for this quiet day to read more of Him. To understand His rule, His reign, is perfect. In heaven and on earth. An opportunity to read about the faithful prophet, Daniel. In the midst of opposition, of jealousy, behind enemy lines, he looked heavenward. Not just once in a while. Not just once a day. He was on his knees three times a day, every day. Believing God can. Faithfully serving God despite his circumstances. Giving God all the glory. Humble. Thankful. Faithful.
Every day that is given, with every breath I breathe, may I, too, be humble, thankful, faithful. Thank you Lord for this reminder. You turned my missed plans into exactly what You knew I needed today. More of You. Less of me.