The Green Tunnel

Beautiful. Amazing. Green. Pathway. Canopy.

Hiking in the mountains means driving up. Something I did frequently growing up but now I’m known as a “flatlander.” Narrow roads, sharp turns, winding around up and down the mountain. When my feet are on solid ground, I’m good. Let’s get hiking. Narrow path, scenic overlooks, up and down, switchbacks.

What happens in our heads, my head, as we age? Fret. Anxiety. Do we let that stop us from enjoying our activities? It shouldn’t but my fear of heights and steep roads can stop me from wanting to venture out. Thankfully, my husband knows. He does the driving, in the slow lane, without talking. He doesn’t get it but respectfully understands this anxiety. Get me out of the car, put my feet on terra firm and the anxiety disappears. The joy of hiking takes over. Off we go!

God is our solid rock that we stand on, in faith. The fears, anxieties, troubles of this world can paralyze us, can keep us from enjoying the life He has planned for us. Set your feet on solid ground, a firm foundation built on Jesus and let the joy of serving Him take over. Off we go!

Ecclesiastes 12:5a: “Remember Him before you become fearful of falling and worry about danger in the streets; before your hair turns white like an almond tree in bloom,”

Ready, Set, Go!

Psalm 139: 9-10a: “If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me.”

Bags packed. Check. Snacks, food, pillows. Check, Check.

Our route is mapped out. The car is gassed up. Let’s go. It’s summertime. Vacation. Time away. Time with family. Before we pull out, we pause. We pray. For travel mercies. For family. For encounters. For hearts. We want God to be honored in our travels. We want to have eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts to serve, to move for God.

We want God with us on vacation. We don’t leave Him at home. We don’t live one way at home where people we know are watching and another way while we are away where no one is watching. We live for God wherever we are because where He is, there we are. He is with us at home. He is with us on vacation. We want our lives to reflect Him whether we are at home or on vacation. We are ready. We are set. Let’s go!

I’m Listening

“She is clothed with strength and dignity” Proverbs 31:25

I struggle with doubts, fears, anxieties. I worry. I like control. I feel like I am in charge. Oh boy! Am I wrong! “Let go and let God” is a phrase we hear. Yes, God is sovereign. Yes He has everything under His control. Then why the doubt? Why the worry? Because I am weak. I am human.

Lord, help me to trust You. Help me to prayerfully make decisions that would honor You. Help me to seek Your will for my life. Give me strength, courage to listen to Your Truths when they are staring me in the face, telling me You are God and I am not. I seek to live daily in Your presence Lord.

Psalm 69:16: “Answer my prayers, O Lord, for Your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me, for Your mercy is so plentiful.”

Looking Back or Looking Up

Hebrews 12: 1b-3: “And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won’t become weary and give up.” NLT

When you are exercising, biking, walking, inevitably someone from the pack may fall behind. You look back, check to see they are okay, do they need a helping hand. Common courtesy is at play here.

When you are a Christian, when you have sought forgiveness in the arms of Jesus, you do not need to doubt, to look back. You are forgiven!

Seek God’s guidance as you move forward in your Christian walk. Find a bible teaching church. Join a bible study. Just like exercising, quilting, hiking is more fun with friends, so is learning about your Savior. You do not need to go it alone. Find your pack of like-minded believers and look up!

Praising God

Psalm 66:20 “Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me.”

What a blessing! What a privilege! We can speak to God. He hears our prayers when we humble ourselves before Him. What a source of peace, knowing He does not withhold His love from His dear children.

I am so thankful there was a point in my past, when I was walking in darkness, that God shed His light on me, on my sins, revealing Himself to me. What about you? Are you struggling in unbelief, searching for a source to bring peace to your life? it is not found in stuff, in people, in jobs, but in the life-sustaining, life-cleansing, life-giving blood of Jesus. Meet Him at the cross. Lay your burdens at His feet. Confess your sins. Turn your life over to Him. You will find the peace you have been searching for. As you grow now in knowledge and wisdom of your Savior, you will experience joy as you live for Him.

Isaiah 50:10 “Let the one who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on their God.”

Sitting on the porch, enjoying the gentle, cleansing rain. Looking at the trees. Watching the birds find shelter in the branches. My eyes then refocus on a cardinal that has just perched itself on a branch. Unable to camouflage itself in the greens and browns, standing out. It is gone quickly, searching for a better shelter from the rain.

Are we trying to camouflage out lives within the world we are living in? Blending in, not bringing attention to ourselves… or… are we like the cardinal? A bright light, standing out, sharing Truths, shining our light to the One we praise, to the One True God that is The Light of the World!

1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

Forever Youthful

Songs sing about it. Retailers sell it. Cosmetic companies advertise it.

Looking back at my twenty-something youthful years, before marriage, kids, careers, obligations, then yes, it was fun, exciting, freeing. But did I want to stay there? No! The job was just a job, not a passion that I loved. I wanted to keep moving forward.

So why now, as a wiser, older woman, would I want to be “that” again.

God did not mean for us to stay stagnant, to stay at that “one” age. He wants us to grow in faith, grow in love, grow in wisdom, grow in knowledge. If, as a believer, we are looking to grow up in our Christian walk, then shouldn’t our dress, our speech, our actions reflect this of a more mature Christian?

Job 12:12 ” Wisdom is with aged men, and with length of days, understanding.”


Porching. A verb. Definition: to sit on the porch to rest, relax, converse, to be outside.

I am porching right now. The heat of the day has passed, dinner and clean up are complete. Now for some porching. I think we all need to do a little porching. Do it alone and enjoy the solitude and being one close to nature. Do it with others and enjoy the conversations, laughter, fellowship.

Everyone should add a little porching to their day.

New Beginnings

Psalm 62:5 “Wait silently for God alone.”

People ask me, “Where do you get your inspiration from? When did you know you were a writer?”

I chuckle at the second, not believing I am a writer, rather, I write what God lays on my heart. To the first, inspiration and ideas come to me in my alone time: waking, driving, preparing for the day, walking, sitting, relaxing, thinking. I’m not much of a talker and I enjoy peace and solitude. Growing up in a family of 8, then raising 3 boys, I need that alone time, I look forward to it! The quietness helps me to recharge my battery, to re-energize, to prioritize.

Perhaps alone time, quiet time scares you. Maybe you don’t want to be alone with your thoughts. It is there, though, you can pour your heart out to Jesus. He is the answer that you seek. He is the relationship you desire.

Step out of your comfort zone and embrace the quiet as you wait for God to come. He will meet you there.

Psalm 105:4 “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.”