Reorient My Soul

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

In one day, I’ve read multiple devotions on reorienting my soul. Reorient means to change the focus. So what does that mean in my spiritual life? What do I need to change that will bring my spirit back in alignment with God’s word? As a Christian, my desire is to walk a path that pleases God but not under my own power, not according to my own desires. It means submitting to God’s authority in my life. To challenge my thoughts, words and actions before thinking them, saying them, doing them and ask “Will this honor God?” Sounds simple enough but if we are being honest, it is hard. Thoughts come into my head that are not God honoring but need to be squashed before the thoughts take hold. Words fly out of my mouth without thinking and I immediately have to apologize and reel the tongue back in. 

To reorient my soul takes prayer, takes worship, takes diving into God’s word. Allowing God to change the direction of my soul. I am not doing this in my own power. It’s not a matter of will, of pulling up self by the bootstraps. It’s a matter of the Holy Spirit working in me for my good and His glory. 

Let us regularly ask ourselves, “Do I need to reorient my soul? Have I gotten off track and am I going in the wrong direction?” Be honest and if you don’t like the direction, stop and pray, asking God to reorient your soul to Him.