
Joel 2:12a ““Even now,” declares the Lord,
“return to me with all your heart,”

“I need to return this gift.” “I am going to return to the story for a forgotten item.” “We will return in a few hours when the movie is over.”

Things you say to a clerk, a spouse, a baby-sitter. What do they all have in common? “Return.” Same word, yet used in multiple sentences, context is key to the meaning each time.

As I began my study in 1 Peter this week, I paused on the word “return.” 1 Peter 2:25: “For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” The return here is telling us to come back, to turn toward the Shepherd and Overseer, Jesus.

Did you once make a profession of faith and have since walked away? God is calling you to return. Did you once go to church as a child and loved being there? God is calling you to return. Did you once attend youth group as a teen and enjoyed the games and pizza and would vaguely listen to the message, silently hoping for more time with friends? God is calling you to return. Been through the wringer in church by other supposed “Christians?” God is calling you to return.

Do you find yourself straying from the faith you once had? Are you questioning what you believe? I implore you to return. Return to God’s word. Study one book of the Bible. Delve in, see Jesus in the pages of scripture. Return to the Shepherd and Overseer of your soul. He is waiting and welcomes your return to Him.