A delicious meal. A job well done. A restful vacation. What do you look for to satisfy you? Food and drink. Work. Play. Yes, yes and yes. These all bring us satisfaction in life. Brings value and meaning or purpose to our life. Where do you put God in your list of things that satisfy?
The Bible says we should look to God every morning, rest and meditate on His steadfast love. Then, we will rejoice and be glad all the days we have on earth. Not that we won’t have trials and tribulations, too. We will. But God… and His steadfast, covenant keeping, promise keeping love will sustain us. He fills us up and we rejoice and are glad all of our days because of Him. God doesn’t change. His love runs deep. His word is truth. He is faithful to His promises. We can be satisfied in this steadfast, loyal, faithful love because of WHO He is and WHAT He has done/is doing. Let us fill up with God first before we go looking to be satisfied in other ways.