A magnificent mountain view. A glorious sunrise/sunset. The birth of a child. Beautiful, wonderful, miraculous. Events that can leave us speechless. We take in. We meditate. We gaze in wonder. Words fail us. We try to capture the moment, perhaps take a picture. It is memorable.
So it is with the loved poured out at the cross. Jesus took the full wrath of God, for us. That by believing, we have life in His name. That as we read, study, meditate on the gracious, merciful love of Jesus, we are left speechless. We are in awe of His love for us. We are filled with joy. 1 Peter 1:8b “Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory,”
“So our joy is “inexpressible and glorified” because it is joy in loving Christ and trusting Christ who is inexpressibly glorious.” John Piper (https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/true-christianity-inexpressible-joy-in-the-invisible-christ)