The word “steadfast” has come up multiple times lately. First, in a sermon from my pastor. Then, in a morning devotion I am reading. Wanting to know more of its meaning, I decided to do a word study. Dictionary.com defines “steadfast” as this: to be fixed or firm in a direction or purpose.
Thinking practically, I see this trait in people close to me. My sister and husband remain steadfast on the hiking trail, to accomplish a goal. My son’s girlfriend is steadfast as she pursues her dream of becoming a veterinarian. If we look deeper, though, we see the Hebrew word for steadfast is chesed (kheh’-sed). It refers to God’s devout loving-kindness, mercy and faithfulness at the very core of His character. (LaurenIbach.com)
He loves us with a steadfast love. He shows mercy through His steadfast kindness. He is with us in our trials, our loneliness, our wandering through His steadfast presence. Being steadfast is part of who God is, part of His character. As Christians, we too, are called to be steadfast. 1 Corinthians 15:58 says, “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” In our humanness, we tire, get discouraged, lose hope. But praise God! Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, being steadfast in the Lord’s work is what we are called to do. So let us be fixed in our purpose, steadfast in our faith, keeping our eyes on Jesus, “the author and finisher of our faith,” (Hebrews 12:2)