When a trial is upon you, when a storm is brewing, to whom do you turn? If it is job related, probably a mentor. If it is relational, a friend, family member or pastor. I recently had gall bladder surgery. Of course, I spoke to family members who already had the surgery, a sister who is a nurse, and of course, the surgeon who explained the procedure to me.
Leading up to the surgery and the day of, I was praying, reading scripture, talking with God, which brought peace to my anxious heart. What a blessing, as I am lying in the bed, the 2 nurses who would be with me in the O.R. were talking about prayer. I turned and introduced them to my pastor husband and we all joined hands in prayer. So thankful to be surrounded by Christians in the O.R. , knowing they would be there with me. I thanked God for their Christian witness.
In our daily walk, we too, are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. Re-read the heroes of the faith in the book of Hebrews, chapter 11. It will remind you that you are not alone. By faith. By faith. By faith. They pleased God. It is by faith we come to God in the first place. It is by faith we believe God, serve Him, worship Him and live for Him. We believe God’s promises, even when we cannot see it. By faith, we still believe. We, like them, “believe in a better life after the resurrection.” Hebrews 11:35b
So, today, let us submit to God’s authority. Let us throw off the sin that trips us up and run with endurance the race God has set before us. (Hebrews 12:1b) Let God’s word strengthen you as you go throughout your day. Be strong and courageous in your Christian walk. You are not alone. There are others you do not know, whom you may have not yet encountered, but they are there, too, living a life of faith.