The Beatitudes

Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

The Beatitudes in Matthew 5 remind us, as Christians, we are blessed. Happy, fortunate, blissful (John MacArthur). As I study each beatitude, I am studying and understanding what true faith looks like.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit.” To first be called a Christian, one must make a decision. A decision that reflects the heart- empty, sinful, separated from God. The moment I first realized the condition of my own soul, that my sins separated me from God, that my good works were not what God looks at to be called His, was a life changing moment. I cried out to Jesus, trusting in His shed blood and resurrection from the dead. I submitted my soul, my heart to His will, believing His words, His gospel to save my soul. All Jesus! My life changed radically. My eternal destination set on a new course.

I am blessed, happy, fortunate, blissful for the very fact that God made a way back to Him, through the precious blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. I am reminded daily of the fact that I bring nothing to Jesus but my very soul and all He asks in return is a life surrendered to His will. I am happy to follow His path, blessed because God opened my spiritual eyes. I was blind but now I see. Jesus has made me whole and my life seeks to glorify Him.