The Green Tunnel

Beautiful. Amazing. Green. Pathway. Canopy.

Hiking in the mountains means driving up. Something I did frequently growing up but now I’m known as a “flatlander.” Narrow roads, sharp turns, winding around up and down the mountain. When my feet are on solid ground, I’m good. Let’s get hiking. Narrow path, scenic overlooks, up and down, switchbacks.

What happens in our heads, my head, as we age? Fret. Anxiety. Do we let that stop us from enjoying our activities? It shouldn’t but my fear of heights and steep roads can stop me from wanting to venture out. Thankfully, my husband knows. He does the driving, in the slow lane, without talking. He doesn’t get it but respectfully understands this anxiety. Get me out of the car, put my feet on terra firm and the anxiety disappears. The joy of hiking takes over. Off we go!

God is our solid rock that we stand on, in faith. The fears, anxieties, troubles of this world can paralyze us, can keep us from enjoying the life He has planned for us. Set your feet on solid ground, a firm foundation built on Jesus and let the joy of serving Him take over. Off we go!

Ecclesiastes 12:5a: “Remember Him before you become fearful of falling and worry about danger in the streets; before your hair turns white like an almond tree in bloom,”