You’ve heard the expressions, “It’s a two way street.” Marriage, friendship, respect to name a few. There is a give and take on both sides. If it is all one sided, the relationship will usually fail.
As I am studying God’s word about a “Friend of God,” John MacArthur says as a Christian, my relationship with God is a two way street. We did nothing to initiate or accomplish our salvation. That is all God. His plan, His Son, His drawing. When we say yes though, He wants to know us intimately, to enjoy fellowship with Him. We come to Him in worship, to intercede in prayer for others, to confess our sins to Him, to study His word to learn more of Him. (John MacArthur: Genesis 12-33 Bible Commentary)
Do we find ourselves in our relationship with God as the taker: take, take, take? I need. I want. Please give. How many of us know people who call themselves Christians but there is no evidence that they have a relationship with God? When you say yes in faith, you are not done. Your relationship with Jesus has just begun. Turning away from this world and pursuing your relationship with God is not a one time event. You can’t just be a taker. You need to be a giver, as well. Giving God your time, your gifts, your talents. Expressing love, joy, thankfulness for what you have so graciously received. Let us examine our own hearts to see if our relationship with God truly is a two way street.