A date. A time of gift giving. A house to decorate. Carols to sing. Special meals to prepare. Gatherings. Church specials.
A heart to prepare. Your heart. My heart. A baby born in a manger. Angels bringing good tiding of great joy. A declaration of a promised birth of long, long ago. Fulfilled in the babe in the manger. A Savior, who is Christ the Lord. The angels couldn’t keep quiet. They praised God, saying, “Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace, good will to men.” Luke 2:14 The shepherds obeyed and went and found this babe, the Lord made known to them. They, too, couldn’t keep quiet. “They made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child.” Luke 2:17
This babe, our Savior, came for everyone who would believe. That every person who truly believes, examines his/her sinful heart, admits that there is no cure, no work, nothing to be done by human hands to be reconciled to God. When you receive this Gift, you are a new creation, made new in Christ Jesus. Would you receive God’s Gift? Have you already received God’s precious Gift, His Son Jesus? Praise God. Let us go, like the angels and shepherds and bring “good tidings of great joy to all people.” Luke 2:10b