Who Is King?

Revelation 19:16 “ On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:king of kings and lord of lords.”

In the United States, we have no king. We elect presidents. Those countries that do have a monarchy, have kings and queens based on the bloodline and birth order in a family. Presidents and kings are seen as that country’s head. He rules/reigns. As good citizens, we follow the law of the land, lead good, upstanding, moral lives, obeying the rules and submit to the laws. And we should.

In our own life, if we take stock of self, do we submit to a Higher authority or do we do what is right in our own eyes? Do we live one way in front of believers and another way in our home? As Christians, we need to remember who is King in our life. King Jesus. His Word is our book that we read, live out, submit to. Not just when we feel good, when things are going well. But also in the trenches. In the hard days.

Jesus’ birth, hailed and proclaimed in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, is the Good News we all seek. King Jesus, from the bloodline of King David, has come to earth as Savior of the world. As believers, we are adopted into His family. We are His sons and daughters, children of the King. Let us remember who our King is and live in His light. Testifying to Whom we belong. King Jesus. Our Savior and Lord of our life!

“If we do not allow our Lord to rule over us, if we are not strong and courageous to do according to all He has commanded us, then Beloved, we will be conquered by the pressures of the world around us, and the futility of our own reasoning. Bow before King Jesus!” Kay Arthur