you alone are God.”
Spending time with small children allows you to see the wonder in their eyes as they explore and learn about the world around them. Their unending questions, their joy in seeing butterflies and the sounds of nature. Perhaps they have even brought you some nature to enjoy with them!
At this time each year, as I study and remember the Christmas story, the birth of Jesus, I am left in awe and wonder. The God of the universe stepped down from heaven, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. All the Old Testament prophesies fulfilled in Jesus. God kept His promise to send us a Savior, His Son. That all who believe would have life in His name. His life lived was one of Light in the darkness. Illuminating our sin and providing hope. Our faith in Him.
But God, did not leave us to wonder on our own. The bible is filled with all of God’s promises so that we don’t remain as babes in Christ. We, too, have the light within us, commanded by God to share the truths of the gospel. The Good News.
Let us enjoy the wonder of this beautiful time of year but let us remember, as we look for the bring star in the sky, as we enjoy the beautiful lights of this season, that we look for the “blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13) His second Advent. Be in wonder and hopefulness as you live a life of faith, during this Christmas season and all year long.