New Beginnings

Psalm 62:5 “Wait silently for God alone.”

People ask me, “Where do you get your inspiration from? When did you know you were a writer?”

I chuckle at the second, not believing I am a writer, rather, I write what God lays on my heart. To the first, inspiration and ideas come to me in my alone time: waking, driving, preparing for the day, walking, sitting, relaxing, thinking. I’m not much of a talker and I enjoy peace and solitude. Growing up in a family of 8, then raising 3 boys, I need that alone time, I look forward to it! The quietness helps me to recharge my battery, to re-energize, to prioritize.

Perhaps alone time, quiet time scares you. Maybe you don’t want to be alone with your thoughts. It is there, though, you can pour your heart out to Jesus. He is the answer that you seek. He is the relationship you desire.

Step out of your comfort zone and embrace the quiet as you wait for God to come. He will meet you there.

Psalm 105:4 “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.”