Keep You

Psalm 21:7 “For the king trusts in the Lord.
    The unfailing love of the Most High will keep him from stumbling.”

What a comfort to know the Lord God, Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, God of the universe loves me, you with an unfailing love. When I am prideful or selfish. When I open my mouth and words get me into trouble. When I wander away. Then, I remember the unfailing love of the Most High, the steadfast love of the Most High, the merciful love of the Most High, the faithful love of the Most High. I confess my sins. Repent of them and return to the arms, the path, the ways of God. When I am apart from Him, doing my own thing, thinking my own thoughts, I stumble. However, when I cling to His words, seek His ways, dwell in His presence, under His strength, in His love, He will keep my from stumbling.

Psalm 21:13 “Be exalted in your strength, Lord;
    we will sing and praise your might.”